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Lyspot is a web application, that enables you quick and efficient way of managing web services: domains, email accounts, dns hostings, ...

Our web applications can be used for an independent, quick and simple choice of the web page templates and new web page creation. You can input different contents, change them and create an attractive and sophisticated web page to inform your business partners, customers, suppliers, friends, relatives and all other internet users.

Use our Lytee web editor to make your web page interactive. Content, text and graphics of your web page can simply be changed by yourself anytime you want. You can add unlimited navigation, new modules for different events, newsletters, contacts, sitemaps (indexes), presentations, documents, online surveys, content browsers, picture galleries and other modules to your web page.
Make yourself recognised in the internet world. Act here and now. Register free domains immediately. Use domains to design your own well-known web address which will efficiently connect organizations in your business system. Our web application Lyspot enables immediate purchase and administration of any free world web domain. Domain administration is the basis of complete web infrastructure: web page address, e-mail address etc.
E-mail is the basic internet service and provides prompt communication with your partners worldwide. Creation and administration of the electronic mailboxes and pseudonyms are very simple with our application. You can control the use and the level of exploitation of the mailbox, create, administer and change the mailboxes, pseudonyms and other e-mail elements.
Our program enables you the administration of the assigned web space on the servers. This space can be used as virtual space on the hard disc for the access or transfer of the internet data. Administration is enabled through the control application using username and password. This software is perfect for the most demanding internet users.

We support all users of our application with complete training. We present you the basic content and the use of our programs. You will become an expert for the web domain registration, e-mail and web page administration and the web space creation - all in just one day.


We offer consulting for the web communication design in sophisticated complex systems for business, educational, sport, cultural and other demanding internet users. We can consult interactive communications with your target customers and innovative presentation of the users’ products and services. Use the advantages of our programs for your progress.